Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's in a name?

Both of my daughters (Katherine and Jessica) have blogs.  After reading their blogs for the past several months I thought, "Gee I ought to have a blog".  "It'd be fun to jot down some thoughts throughout the day and kind of have an online journal".
Jessica's blog is called "My Bag of Sunshine".  Its a clever name when you consider that she works at Jenkins Enterprises (our family's business) and that our logo features a bright orange 'rising sun'.

Katherine's blog is called "Love is in the Hair".  Also a clever name when you realize Katherine is a hair stylist with her own salon - Katherine Grant Salon & Spa.     

With two clever daughters I knew I had to come up with a name for my blog that would be both catchy and meaningful.  I'll let you decide if I've accomplished my goal.  My Blog's called "That's Bold Talk".  Its a reference to a line from one of my favorite movies. 

In the original movie "True Grit", starring John Wayne, Wayne plays Marshall Rooster Cogburn - a cagey old lawman with a black patch over his left eye.  In one of the final scenes, Rooster is single-handedly facing down four bad guys including their ringleader, Ned Pepper. 

Ned:       Rooster, what are your intentions?
Rooster:  Well Ned, I aim to kill you --- or take you back to Fort Smith and
               see you hanged at Judge Parker's convenience.
Ned:       It's four against one!  I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man.

Of course at that insult, Rooster takes them all on and quickly dispatches them. 

A couple of years ago, I was talking to my friend Mark Schaefer about something that I don't really remember.  But what Mark said to me, I've never forgotten.  After I'd finished my statement, Mark (knowing my love for John Wayne movies) said, "That's bold talk for a one-eyed fat man".

I thought I was going to die laughing.

Mark is a true friend.  The kind of friend that knows stuff about you and the kind of friend that knows how to put you in your place without being hurtful.  Mark knew that when I was 9 years old I lost my right eye in a BB gun accident (Rooster's eye patch is one of the reasons I've loved the movie all these years).  Mark knew I am a self described 'fat man' (weighing in at about 222 or the 'triple deuces').  Mark also knew that I can sometimes be a little "over-opinionated" at times.  So when Mark said, "That's bold talk for a one-eyed fat man", he was jokingly letting me know that this might be one of those times when I was being little "over-opinionated".

In this blog I'm going to try to restrain myself.  I'll use the title as a gentle reminder.     


  1. I had a blog once........once....the amount of times I updated it.

    Good luck I plan on reading.

  2. I love it!! Good job on the first post, I hope you keep it up.

  3. loved the shout out! cant wait to read more.

  4. I will have to become a follower! That Mark, he is a character..;)

  5. Nice have set the bar high. I'm following!
